One day, you are heading out of the house and you realize that you forgot to make an important call. You are a good distance from home, and you can't go back. You don't have a cell phone or just have a bad one. This would be a good time for you to go and pick up a new cell phone, but what kind of cell phone should you get? What do you need to have in your cell phone to make it fit you best?

No two South Africans are alike when it comes to picking out a new cellphone. People have different tastes and needs, so picking one for you won't necessarily be the same as your friend picking out theirs. There are specific things you would definitely want to look into though to make sure you have the cellphone you want to get. The first thing is what size phone do you want to have? Phone size can vary quite easily for South Africans, as one person could be really small while the other person has one the size of a brick. By making sure you have the size cellphone you feel most comfortable carrying, you will narrow your choices down a lot easier.

The next is whether or not you would prefer a touch screen. Touch screen phones are becoming more and more popular to this day, and are quite common as well. But perhaps this may be an issue for you, and you would prefer one with a keypad, or just numbers on it. It's all up to you. If you make a choice in whether you want a touch screen or not, you are practically halving the options you can choose from, making it much easier for you to pick.

Two other options to choose from can be as simple as wanting Wi-Fi or picking how much storage space you want. Wi-Fi is new for cellphones, and by using it, you are able to connect to the internet anywhere an internet connection is for free. This can save money from the data part of the bill, which can grow if you are constantly connecting to the internet without Wi-Fi. Storage space is another story. If you like taking pictures or videos, or even downloading music, you are going to want to get a phone that has a lot of storage space for your needs. If you do not do any of this, you won't have to worry too much about storage and can pick one with little storage.

So, picking out your first or possibly even a new cellphone can seem really intimidating at first, but as long as you know what aspects you would want in a cellphone plan, this hassle is a hassle no more. By figuring out what your wants and needs are in a cellphone plan, you can easily pick out the cellphone of your dreams in a short matter of minutes. However, this time, your dreams will finally be able to become a reality.

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