It is clear that cell phones are not seen as a luxury anymore but a necessity. People from all income brackets are using them nowadays. They are being used in various business and public services like security companies and the police services of South Africa. They have become an important factor in our lives to with keep the flow of communication.
Cell phones are not only being used for communication, but are also vital for entertainment, sharing of photographs and videos, social media platforms and internet browsing. You will agree with me, but without them we are lost.
In South Africa there are a few well established network providers. With the competition so high in the market, we can see a lot of specials and good deals to choose from. MTN, Vodacom, CellC, virgin Mobile and 8ta is at the moment the leading network providers in South Africa. One can get different contract with different rates and fees from all of them and most of the contracts come with a brand new phone.
The South African consumer has various usages for cell phones. We have two main categories, sometimes overlapping each other, they are called contract and prepaid. With a contract you will in most cases receive a free cell phone so that you don’t have to pay a large some of cash before getting the contract. Some contracts give you unlimited communication but they will then send you a monthly bill. Prepaid contracts will give a certain amount of airtime and if you run out then you can always top it up with additional airtime or data.
Some of the benefits include:
1) Free cell phone by signing up with a contract.
2) Option to upgrade the phone after the contract period.
3) Some of the network providers will give you gift vouchers.
4) With a data contract you can sometimes even get a free laptop with a sim modem.
The options that are available are endless. There are hundreds of phones available with various functions and extras. Make sure that you do your research thoroughly so that you make the right choice. If you sign a contract then it means that you will sit with that phone for at least two years, so make sure you find the right one. I will suggest that you do some research on the internet. The internet is a wonderful source to obtain information regarding your cell phone search.
To Conclude. It is very important that you make sure that you can afford a cell phone contract before approaching a cell phone dealer. Make sure that you know and understand all the terms, rates and conditions of the contract. Armed with this information will make the phone search a lot easier and hassle free.